HomeLatest NewsCovid-19SD COVID-19 June 9 Economic Metrics

SD COVID-19 June 9 Economic Metrics

The South Dakota Bureau of Finance and Management released the latest COVID-19 economic metrics for South Dakota.


  • The South Dakota Department of Transportation has 38 permanent traffic counters throughout the state. On these counters traffic has been down across all highway groups. The greatest impact has been in interstate traffic in rural areas and on state highways.
  • From the statewide peak on March 19th, the Sioux Falls metropolitan statistical area (MSA) has experienced a decline of 9.7% in the number of posted job openings compared to 3.6% in the Rapid City MSA. This represents significant recovery from the troughs in both cities of around 30%.
  • Statewide job openings are down 1.4% from their March 19th peak.
  • Travel spending is down by 71% or $48M from the same week in 2019 for the week ending May 30th.
  • Video Lottery Net Machine Income was up 20.9% from the June to February weekly average for the week ending June 6th. Net Machine Income (NMI) is defined as cash in minus prizes paid out. NMI is split with the machine owner (Operator) receiving 50%, the General Fund receives 49.5% and 0.5% goes to the Video Lottery Operating Fund to be used by the Lottery operate the Video Lottery Program.

To view the June 9 report.

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