On Wednesday, May 12, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for use in adolescents age 12 to 15. This followed the announcement on Monday, May 10, that the FDA had authorized the Pfizer vaccine for use in this age group.
We encourage you to make the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine available to adolescents age 12 to 15 as soon as possible. In addition, we emphasize the CDC’s recommendation that COVID-19 and other vaccines may now be administered to everyone age 12 and up without regard to timing. This includes simultaneous administration of COVID-19 and other vaccines on the same day, as well as co-administration within 14 days.
With the decline in routine pediatric immunizations and well-child visits during the COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage health centers to help children and adolescents catch up on preventive care. Well-child visits are a good venue for routine and COVID-19 vaccinations, as well as a variety of important screenings and assessments.
Here are some key CDC resources related to this update:
- The Pediatric Healthcare Professionals COVID-19 Vaccination Toolkit provides materials to help providers give parents clear and accurate information about COVID-19 vaccines. It includes answers to common questions, an explanation of how mRNA vaccines work, and printable materials.
- A new site for patients specifically about COVID-19 vaccines for children and teens. Please share this with parents to help them understand why they should get their child vaccinated.