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Quality Corner: A Successful Year

As 2022 wraps up, the SDAHO Quality Integration team wants to thank you for your commitment over the past year. We have seen tremendous strides across the state in quality and patient safety and that would not be possible without your dedication and commitment to the highest level of quality for the residents of South Dakota.

In looking back in 2022, SDAHO in collaboration with our member hospitals had many successes. Some of the highlights include:

  • Release of an updated Quality Integration page on the SDAHO website focused on MBQIP/Flex measures saving valuable time the CAH (Critical Access Hospitals) quality professionals
  • Offered a Lean/Six Sigma training day in collaboration with our partner SD Healthcare Quality Association
  • Launched Quality Districts where meetings were held throughout the state giving opportunities for quality professionals to connect with other quality professionals to share best practices, trouble shoot issues and build networking opportunities
  • Offered a HQ Principles course to assist quality professionals that were looking to broaden their quality knowledge
  • Conducted a quality professional and a Director of Nursing surveys to gauge feedback, needs and next steps

As we move into 2023, the SDAHO Quality Integration team will continue to work in partnership with our member hospitals. We are excited for the future and are eager to continue to support our members in 2023. On behalf of the entire SDAHO Quality Integration team we wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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