HomeLatest NewsEducation NewsFranklinCovey to Present on the Power of Mindset

FranklinCovey to Present on the Power of Mindset

SDAHO is excited to share that Henry Lescault, senior coach and consultant/facilitator with FranklinCovey will present virtually, January 11, on the importance of mindset as it pertains to the choices we make on a regular basis, and how those choices affect our productivity, happiness and overall balance in life, personally and professionally.

In a study conducted by JAMA, 60% to 80% of primary care doctor visits are related to stress, yet only 3% of patients receive stress management help. Stress affects the entire body and can cause many other problems. During Mr. Lescault’s session, he will address simple and powerful methods and techniques to reduce the stress and the effects of stress in our lives, in order to experience better focus, productivity, happiness and joy. This session will help participants identify, understand and take actionable steps to address negative stressors.

Mindset is at the heart of all our successes and failures in life, attend this session to learn ways to focus on becoming more self-aware and understanding how to change your mindset in any given moment.

This session will take place on Wednesday, January 11 at 12pm CST. To register and learn more, click here.  Register today.

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