The South Dakota Tobacco Control Program is excited to announce two grant opportunities that opened January 13, 2023.
The Tobacco Disparities Grant is to promote health equity by incorporating a long-term change aimed at reducing disparate commercial tobacco use among the following SD TCP priority populations: American Indians, pregnant and postpartum women, people of low socioeconomic status (SES), and the behavioral health populations.
The Tobacco Youth & Community Engagement Grant is designed to focus on engaging youth and young adults as well as their community in tobacco efforts including tobacco prevention (including e-cigarettes) and cessation. Grantees should focus their efforts on supporting and implementing evidence-based interventions and activities that specifically for youth (under 18 years old), young adults (18-24 years old), or community-based efforts to learn about tobacco prevention and cessation.
These two grant opportunities will close at 5pm on March 10, 2023. To view more details visit: These funding opportunities support Priority 1 of the SD Cancer Plan: Reduce Tobacco Use and Exposure.
The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion within the SD Department of Health is committed to helping communities in South Dakota implement evidence-based chronic disease prevention and health promotion strategies to improve where they live, work, learn and play.
The Good & Healthy Community Grant is designed to support local community and organization-based efforts, foster collaboration among organizations, and support the mission of the SD DOH, which is to promote, protect and improve the health of every South Dakotan. The application opened on January 6 and will close on March 3, 2023 at 5pm CT. The anticipated award amount is $5,000 minimum up to $125,000 maximum.
The Good & Healthy Community Grant guidance and application is located on the Good & Healthy SD website. This funding opportunity supports Priority 2 of the SD Cancer Plan: Increase Healthy, Active Lifestyles.