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NHPCO End of Life Care for Veterans

The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) has updated curriculum for nursing to care forĀ Veterans at the end of life. The End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) for Veterans is a national train the trainer education initiative to improve palliative care according to the NHPCO website. The training was supported by funds from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the curriculum was developed by the National ELNEC Project Team a partnership between City of Hope in collaboration with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. This education is available for all palliative care providers and educational institutions to access and use.Ā  For more information on courses and projects, please visit the ELNEC website.

NHPCO also holds the We Honor Veterans program in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs. The program focuses on ā€œrespectful inquiry, compassionate listening and grateful acknowledgmentā€ to recognize the unique needs of Americaā€™s veterans and their families. Community providers along with VA staff will learn how to accompany and guide veterans through their life stories toward a more peaceful ending. The program has 5 tiers that partner organizations can work toward to integrate best practices for providing end of life care to veterans. This program, like ELNEC for Veterans, is provided at no cost to hospice organizations without being a member of NHPCO. Visit the website for more information.

Finally, NHPCO in collaboration with the Veterans Health Administration works with hospices to deliver quality end of life care for Vietnam-era and combat Veterans and those that have been impacted by trauma. Resources and free trainings were developed out of this initiative. To access this information, visit their website.

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