NAHC & NHPCO Announce New Combined Organization

In a press release dated September 5, 2024, the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) proudly announced the formation of their newly merged organization: the National Alliance for Care at Home.
The National Alliance for Care at Home (the Alliance) builds upon the legacies of both NAHC and NHPCO, aiming to support the full range of providers who deliver care across various home settings. The Alliance will provide comprehensive resources, educational opportunities, news, and analysis to help members enhance their organizations. Additionally, it will serve as a unified advocate for policies that promote high-quality care for patients and their families.
The Alliance’s new logo reflects this merger, merging elements from NAHC and NHPCO into a symbol of unity and progress. The design features stylized figures holding hands in a circle, with the negative space forming a subtle house or home icon. This logo represents the collective effort of providers working together to advance home care.
The interim website for the Alliance is now live. This site acts as a central hub for members, offering access to both NHPCO and NAHC’s resources through a single sign-on. Note that logging in on the NHPCO website will redirect you to a new single sign-on page. The first login will require a password reset, but subsequent logins can be saved for convenience. For assistance, please reach out to A new website, launching in 2025, will also be hosted at this URL.

In the coming weeks, the legacy NHPCO communities (formerly known as My NHPCO) will merge with NAHC’s communities, creating a consolidated network of 29 online groups for professional exchange and best practices.

This announcement follows the recent appointment of Steve Landers, MD, MPH, as the first CEO of the Alliance.