APIC Offers CAH Scholarship

The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) announced an AMAZING opportunity for infection prevention staff working in Critical Access Hospitals. The...

Learn More About SDAHO’s 2023 Annual Convention

Registration is open for SDAHO’s 2023 Annual Convention, September 20-22, 2023! For the past 97 years, SDAHO has been working towards advancing healthy communities in...

Nurse Education, Practice, Quality & Retention – Clinical Faculty & Preceptor Academy

South Dakota State University (SDSU) and practice partners have been invited to be a part of a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant...

Registration Open for SDAHO’s Annual Convention

Registration is now open for SDAHO’s 2023 Annual Convention, Sept. 20-22! For the past 97 years, SDAHO has been working towards advancing healthy communities in...

SDAHO Education for the Week of July 31

Register for SDAHO Education to earn continuing education credits and grow in your professional development. SDAHO members will receive all virtual education for no additional...

SDAHO Partners with National Speakers on Hot Topics: AI, Workforce Development, Tough Conversations

​​Join SDAHO for this exclusive member only four-part webinar series hosted by Huron and a collaboration of state hospital associations. This four-part, one-hour webinar series...

Education for the Week of July 24

Register for SDAHO Education to earn continuing education credits and grow in your professional development. SDAHO members will receive all virtual education for no additional...

New Home for CAPC’s Clinical Training Resources

The Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) has reorganized their clinical training hub. All of their clinical training resources are now located in one...

SDAHO Education for the Week of July 17

​Register for SDAHO Education to earn continuing education credits and grow in your professional development. SDAHO members will receive all virtual education for no additional...

SDAHO Education for the Week of July 10

​​Register for SDAHO Education to earn continuing education credits and grow in your professional development. SDAHO members will receive all virtual education for no additional...

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