Senator Thune reintroduces Rural Hospital Regulatory Relief Act

The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) applauds Senator Thune for continuing to fight for access to quality...

MedPAC Issues March 2019 Report to Congress

In its report, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) recommends a 2 percent increase in payment rates for hospital...

MACPAC Recommends Phasing in Medicaid DSH Cuts, Restructuring Allotments

The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) released its March 2019 report to Congress, which recommends Congress...

CMS Delivers New Guidance on Immediate Jeopardy

New guidance​ from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) revises the guidelines to determine immediate jeopardy. The changes to...

All 5 PBMs agree to testify at Senate drug cost hearing

By Sarah Karlin-Smith and Sarah Owermohle with POLITICOPRO Five pharmaceutical benefit managers (PBM) have agreed to testify about drug pricing...

CMS Upates Drug Dashboards with Prescription Drug Pricing and Spending Data

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) updated its Drug Spending Dashboards​ with data for 2017. The Trump...

Trump’s proposed 2020 budget reduces funding for rural health programs

The White House recently released its fiscal year 2020 budget, which would be devastating for the rural health safety...
FDA logo

FDA Released Draft Guidance on E-cigarette Sale Restrictions

On March 13, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released much anticipated draft guidance​ designed to restrict how...
Paper cutout family with house under a Medicaid umbrella

Trump’s Budget Proposal for Medicaid Changes

By Adam Cancryn with PoliticoPro ​The Trump administration is calling once again for a broad overhaul of Medicaid as...

Trump budget could save $69 billion on drug costs

By Sarah Karlin-Smith with PoliticoPro ​The White House's proposed fiscal 2020 budget includes a slew of changes to Medicare, Medicaid,...

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