Quality Corner: Patient and Family Engagement

According to the Compass Hospitals Quality Improvement Contractors (HQIC), the purpose of Patient and Family Engagement (PFE) is to...

Quality Corner: Medicare Beneficiary Quality Improvement Project (MBQIP) Workshop

Plans are under way for the upcoming MBQIP Workshop. This event will be held on May 15 at the...

Quality Corner: SDAHO Begins Work On Rural Network Development Workforce Grant

The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) is excited to welcome Lindsay Stroman, Workforce Development Coordinator for the...

Quality Corner: Candida Auris – Awareness is Essential

What is Candida Auris? A fancy type of foreign dance? A natural light display in the northern sky presenting...

Quality Corner: Healthcare Quality Week a Big Success

Healthcare Quality Week was held nationally from October 15th-21st, 2023.  Many South Dakota hospitals across the state took part...

Quality Corner: Observing Healthcare Quality Week October 15-21, 2023

The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) recognizes the hard work and dedication of all healthcare quality professionals...

Quality Corner: Workplace Violence in Healthcare: Has Your Facility Taken Action?

Workplace violence in healthcare is a serious concern. Workplace violence in healthcare is a growing concern. Did you know that of...

Quality Corner: New DEA Requirements and Buprenorphine Education

ATTENTION PROVIDERS: Did you know there is a non-opioid medication that treats pain up to 30x better than morphine? SDAHO...

Quality Corner: ED Tool Kit Collaboration

The SDAHO Quality Team in partnership with the SD Department of Health has been collaborating on an ED Tool...

Quality Corner: Continued Education for Today’s Generational Workforce

Did you know that there are 4 generations of individuals involved in today’s workforce?  Did you know that each...

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