An Innovative Approach to the Clinical Health Care Workforce Crisis

17aug12:00 pm1:00 pmAn Innovative Approach to the Clinical Health Care Workforce CrisisAHA Webinar

Event Details

The AHA Futurescan 2022-2027 identified Workforce among 8 key trends affecting hospitals. In recent years, the workforce challenges have become more acute, exacerbated by the effects of COVID. Increasingly, states are engaging around their unique populations, political environments and health system dynamics. Collaborations between policymakers and employers will be critical to assessing and acting on each state’s unique workforce trends.

During this webinar, we will examine how one state, Minnesota, and one health system, M Health Fairview, are working to address these workforce challenges. We will highlight research and information on the state of Minnesota’s current and future labor market and discuss how policymakers, employers and workers can optimize their decisions today for tomorrow’s prosperity.

Click here for more info.


August 17, 2023 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CST(GMT-05:00)