Enforcement Remedies (LTC Survey series)

08may1:30 pm2:30 pmEnforcement Remedies (LTC Survey series)SDAHO Webinar

Event Details

May 8 at 1:30pm CST/12:30pm MST

This session will review the CMS Enforcement Remedies from the Plan of Correction to Denial of Payment for New Admissions (DPNA), and everything in between. The Deficiency Scope and Severity Grid will be reviewed, along with the CMS Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) calculator.

  • Become familiar with the variety of CMS Enforcement Remedies.
  • Understand the CMS Deficiency Scope and Severity Grid.
  • Become familiar with the CMS Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) calculator.
Presenter: Janine Lehman, RN, RAC-CT, CLNC, Proactive LTC Consulting

Janine is a Registered Nurse with over 30 years’ experience in long term care, working in all nursing capacities from Nursing Assistant and Charge Nurse, to MDS Coordinator, Staff  Development Coordinator, ADON and DON. She is MDS Certified through AAPACN, and is a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. Her background includes serving as a Corporate Nurse Consultant, and the Director of Clinical Services for a multi-facility, multi-level of care organization. Janine serves as a founding member of the Kentucky RUG Task Force Committee, and has served on the Case Mix Appeals Panel and IDR Panel as a provider representative, as well as serving on the Kentucky Medicaid Technical Advisory Committee. She has extensive experience in the RAI process, clinical documentation, legal nurse consulting, restorative nursing programs, fall management, QAPI, and infection control, and has provided training on these topics for State and National organizations.



Registration is free for SDAHO Members and $49 for Non-Members.

Click here to register.


May 8, 2024 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm(GMT-06:00)