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Series: Bringing Life, Work & Passion Back into Balance

25feb3:30 pm4:30 pmSeries: Bringing Life, Work & Passion Back into Balance

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February 11, 2021 3:30 -4:30pm CST
HELP I’M DROWNING! Stress and Balancing Life

Ever feel like you are drowning? Can’t take another patient, administrator, student or employee walking in for help? Ever met the former medical provider who is tired, broken and put out to pasture? As medical professionals we face a huge challenge not to become that burned out and stressed provider. We teach students that providing patient care is a stressful and trying profession, yet we rarely take care of ourselves. Margaret and Kirk will take you down the path of what stressors medical professionals face, why we need to deal with stress and how to deal with stress. Margaret and Kirk will show you some methods and guide you to balancing work, family and the stress of Covid-19. Join Capt. Kirk and Margaret for a magic carpet ride to a healthier mental self.

February 18, 2021 3:30 -4:30pm CST
This Won’t Last Forever; What’s the Next Chapter
After COVID-19?
Let’s face it, there was life before Covid-19 and there will be life after Covid-19. Before February 2020 none of us knew about RNA Vaccines, Social Distancing, Quarantining,  Isolation, Masking and how often we should wash our hands. How has this affected our daily lives, patient care and outlook on our lives going forward? The answers lie in what has  changed in our current care and habits along with what makes sense going forward. What do the folks working on the front lines see as positive improvements and how we proceed with care in the future? Through research and some good old fashioned examples Margaret and Capt. Kirk will help you make sense of all that is going on and how we can move forward after Covid-19 has changed us forever. With a little plug for vaccines and some Covid-19 fun facts Margaret and Capt. Kirk promise to show you what coming after Covid-19. Join Capt. Kirk and Margaret for an entertaining look at our future as Healthcare Providers.

February 25, 2021 3:30 -4:30pm CST
PASSION, Catch it….Share it

Do you remember the passion that you began your career with? Most of us entered the Medical Field with our eyes gleaming and expecting Johnny and Roy or Dr. Miranda Baily from Grey’s Anatomy to meet us in class and then to mentor us along our career path. We were sure we would save the world, never letting a patient die or take a turn for the worse. Each time we would care for a patient in our career we felt like we were wearing a cape. It didn’t take long before reality set in and we saw that EMS, Nursing, and Healthcare in general is not what is portrayed on TV. It is far from glamorous and not built to make you a hero. In spite of this you have stuck with it making the provision of medicine your career. Each Covid-19 patient we care for on takes a toll on our psyche and affects the way we work, teach and mentor our future and current Medical Professionals. We are building the future of our profession through our actions and attitudes. Covid is not here to stay and quite possibly neither are we if we don’t rejuvenate and readjust. With this in mind isn’t it time we once again shared our passion and love for providing care to others with the world? We all  recognize that being a Medical Professional is more dangerous, stressful and trying with Covid in the air. Margaret and Capt. Kirk will help you recognize that your original passion for the Medical Field isn’t gone, it’s just hidden. It is time to get your passion back and become rejuvenated. Through PASSION and ENERGY Margaret and Capt. Kirk will help you realize  your potential and why you got into this profession in the beginning. Join Capt. Kirk and Margaret for an entertaining and interactive session to improve your life and your patient care.


Kirk E. Mittelman, M.Ed., NRP

Capt. Kirk is a 40-year veteran of EMS and Public Safety, Capt. Kirk retired in 2001 from Provo City Police after 22 years and a Purple Heart. Upon retiring from Law Enforcement, Capt. Kirk went to work full time in the Fire/EMS service where he again retired after serving as a Paramedic Captain and EMS Coordinator for Eagle Mountain Fire Department.

Capt. Kirk is currently working for Reach Air Medical, serving Contra Costa County Fire Protection District as the Clinical Quality Improvement and Clinical Education Coordinator.  Capt. Kirk teaches all levels of EMT’s and wilderness medicine as the Co-Founder and Program Director of Mt Nebo Training.

In his spare time Capt. Kirk travels to 3rd World countries as a volunteer teaching EMS to physicians, nurses and EMS personnel. When things get too hectic Papa Kirk can be found waterskiing and enjoying the sun at Lake Powell with his 4 children and their spouses, 14 grand and 2 great grandchildren (with more on the way).

Margaret A. Mittelman M.Ed., NRP

Margaret is a Professor, for Utah Valley University teaching EMS and Emergency Management. Margaret is the Co-Founder of Mt Nebo Training in Provo Utah. Margaret serves as Utah practical test team proctor. Margaret has received accolades at every level and received the coveted Dr. Keith Hooker Lifetime Achievement and Dr. Robert Hogan EMS Awards. A 40-year EMS veteran and leader in EMS, Margaret is a favorite presenter at State and National Conventions; gaining notoriety for her portrayal of Ann Robinson of “The Weakest Link.” In her spare time Margaret enjoys spending time on Lake Powell skiing and relaxing with her 4 children, their spouses, 14 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.


Registration for this series is per connection needed at a facility. This allows multiple staff members to participate in the education using one connection. Prior registration is required to ensure connection information and applicable materials are distributed prior to the webinar. Registration is free for SDAHO Member facilities /$99 per non-member facility.


February 25, 2021 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm CST(GMT-05:00)