LifeCircleSD was based at USD Sanford School of Medicine in the Department of Neurosciences from its inception to May 2022. The Advisory Board is composed of people passionate about LifeCircle’s purpose and includes a diverse group of professionals from multiple organizations who oversee the activities. Chairs of the Advisory Board included Dr. Judith Batchelor, Dr. Susan Schrader and Dr. LuAnn Eidsness.
June 2022 South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organization (SDAHO) assumed its management. SDAHO hired Michele Snyders, MSW, CSW-PIP, APHSW-C to Chair the LifeCircle SD Advisory Board. In the fall of 2023, the South Dakota Palliative Care Network (SDPN) merged with LifeCircle South Dakota to continue the work started during their 2020-2023 HRSA Rural Health Network Development grant period.
Click here to view the Welcome letter.)
The purpose of LifeCircle is to improve care for people living with serious illness and their support person(s). The vision of the group is that people of South Dakota will receive the care needed to complete their life and die peacefully, their loved ones will receive support, and health care providers in the State will improve care of patients and families at the end of life. LifeCircleSD aims for interdisciplinary and inter-institutional representation of people, organizations, and institution for the entire state.
The three goals are professional education, public education and public policy.