The South Dakota Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners (BMOE) held a public hearing Sept. 6 to propose administrative rule changes that dealt with standards for prescribing controlled substances for chronic, non-cancer pain and other issues.

Attendees included SDAHO, SDSMA, SDAPA and others.

The board established standards for prescribing controlled substances for chronic, non-cancer pain out of work done through an ad hoc committee. The committee met several times and relied on the Federation of State Medical Boards Model of Policy for the Use of Opioid Analgesics in the Treatment of Chronic Pain, the Federation of State Medical Boards Model Policy on Data 2000 and Treatment of Opioid Addition in the Medical Office.

There is strong likelihood that the board will have the ad hoc committee review the rules after they become law to refine or clarify the language if needed.

The board also approved the ability to use electronic communication to satisfy the direct personal contact requirement that was previously a part of the collaborative agreement.

The Legislative Rules Review Committee will review the proposed rule changes on Sept. 26. The next board meeting is scheduled for Dec. 1.

More information can be found at here.