Learn the facts about organ, tissue and eye donation

April is Donate Life month.

LifeSource, the non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation in the Upper Midwest, is an important resource for South Dakota in learning about the facts about organ, eye and tissue donation.

Your age or health should not prevent you from registering to be an organ, eye and tissue donor. Most health conditions do not prevent donation and age is not a factor – the oldest organ donor was 92!.

All major religions in the United States support organ, eye and tissue donation and consider it a generous act of caring.

One person can save and heal up to 60 lives through organ, eye and tissue donation!

When you register as an organ, eye and tissue donor you are making a legal decision and, even after your death, your decision will be honored. It’s important to talk with your family to make sure they are prepared to honor your decision at the time of your death.

Registration for organ donation is easy. Register online or when you apply for or renew your driver’s license.