Congress grapples with how to fund the government; multiple issues remain unresolved

U.S. Capitol

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives joined their counterparts in the Senate returning to work this week. A high priority continues to be setting budget caps for defense and non-defense spending to determine government funding levels and avoid a shut-down.

With a number of important issues unresolved and the Jan. 19 deadline fast approaching, it appears more and more likely that Congress may need to pass yet another continuing resolution (CR), extending out possibly to the middle of February.

The list of unresolved health care issues includes: Fully funding the Childrenā€™s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for five years; delaying cuts to Medicaid disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments for two years; extending important Medicare programs for rural hospitals; and preventing hospice cuts.

We continue to work with our national partners in urging our congressional delegation and other members of Congress to include these provisions in the budget legislation. Members are encouraged to contact Sen. Thune, Sen. Rounds and Rep. Noem to reinforce this message.