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Campaign materials available for organ donation

Help the South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) save lives. SDAHO has joined area hospitals and healthcare organizations to create a donation-friendly community through the Hospital Organ Donation Campaign. This national initiative, sponsored by the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) of the Department of Health & Human Services (HSS), challenges health care organizations to educate employees, patients, visitors and the community about the crucial need for organ, eye and tissue donation and give people opportunities to sign up as donors. HSS has provided hospital campaign materials to assist members in education and public awareness programs on organ donation that are customizable for facilities.

SDAHO has also partnered with Life-Source, a non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives through organ donation for the upper Midwest.  Life-Source serves a population base exceeding 7 million people from North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and portions of western Wisconsin.  Public awareness about organ donation starts with education. The organization has partnered with more than 270 hospitals to maximize the number of lives saved through organ, eye and tissue donation. Hospitals and their employees play a key role in the donation process. For more information on how Life-Source can help facilities work with employees and patients visit their website.

Donation Fast Facts: Nearly 115,000 people are waiting for an organ transplant and nearly 3,500 of those waiting are in our local communities. Only three in a thousand people die in a way which allows for organ donation, but that one person can save and heal up to 75 lives. See all donation fast facts.

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