Developing the Leader Mindset: How to Break Down Self-Imposed Obstacles so You Can Grow...

A free on-demand webinar sponsored by American Nurses Association (ANA). As you move along your journey as an up and coming nurse leader, some of your challenges...

Register for Upcoming Regulatory Webinars

​SDAHO is offering several regulatory webinars to help healthcare leaders and staff stay up to date about the latest state and federal regulations, rules...

SDAHO’s 2022 Nurse Leadership Program Finishes with Advocacy Day

SDAHO's Nurse Leadership Program is a customized education program designed to equip hospital and post-acute care nurse leaders with leadership and operational skills they...
Stethoscope with financial statement

Dates Announced for Revenue Cycle A-Z for Critical Access Hospitals Training

The South Dakota Healthcare Finance Management Association (HFMA) in collaboration with the South Dakota Office of Rural Health and Eide Bailly are excited to...

Mental Health First Aid, EMTALA, and Leadership At All Levels – Upcoming SDAHO Education

SDAHO has announced the upcoming education for November and topics will include mental health issues within South Dakota, the second session of identifying your...

ANA Offers Free On Demand Webinar on Workplace Violence Against Nurses

​A breathtaking statistic that cannot be ignored: 1 in 4 nurses are assaulted in the workplace. A recent Press Ganey survey showed that on...
Webinar key

What You Need to Know – Nondiscrimination and OCR Section 1557

Section 1557 is the nondiscrimination provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin,...

EMTALA Update: What Hospitals Need to Know

​Hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals have had to comply with EMTALA regulations for over 35 years. Yet, there are increasing number of investigations and...

Elevating Geriatric Clinical Nursing Professionals

​Pathway Health now offers a Geriatric Residency (Geri-Res) Long Term Care Nurse Residency Program for recent graduates and nurses who are new to long...

SDAHO Call for Education Presentation Proposals for the 2023 Education Calendar Year

The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) is looking for education presentation proposals for the 2023 calendar year. Continuing education is essential for...

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