Quality Corner: Healthcare Workforce Shortage

States across the country have been experiencing a workforce shortage of health professionals. The most pressing concern is the shortage of Registered Nurses (RNs),...

Quality Corner: Quality and Data

Quality has always been an intregal part of the healthcare industry. Data drives decision making and without it, quality professional and healthcare leadership are...

Quality Corner: Performance and Process Improvement – Leadership

This past week, the South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) and South Dakota Association for Healthcare Quality (SDAHQ) partnered on a Spring event...

Quality Corner: Collaboration and Partnerships

There have been many valuable lessons learned through COVID-19 pandemic. Quality measures and process improvement activities continue to be a priority however with the...

Quality Corner: Grant Spotlight

Many healthcare quality professionals are looking for innovative ways to fund projects, grants may be an excellent vehicle. Grants offer the ability to use...

Quality Corner: Past Accomplishments and Looking Ahead

In reviewing the past year accomplishments and future plans, the Quality Team at SDAHO is looking forward to a productive 2022. 2021 marked the start...

Quality Corner: Focusing on Data

This month’s Quality Corner is focused on Data. Data is at the core of quality. Data is more than plugging numbers into a portal.  Without...

Quality Corner: Presenting on Quality to Your Board

As we near the close of 2021, it’s a time to reflect on past accomplishments and begin to set goals for the new year....

Quality Corner: Focus on Quality

During the week of Oct 17-23, 2021, we celebrated Healthcare Quality Week and I hope that you were able to find time to recognize...

Quality Corner with SDAHO Quality Integration Department: October Update

Welcome to the first Quality Corner information update from the Quality Integration Team at SDAHO. At the beginning of each month, the Quality Integration...

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