Getting Out of Your Own Way - Blooming Where You Are Planted

02nov12:00 pm1:00 pmGetting Out of Your Own Way - Blooming Where You Are PlantedSDAHO Webinar

Event Details

November 2 at 12:00pm CST/11:00am MST

Integrating a healthy career with the realities of family, geography, readiness is a juggling act for most of us. Growing without moving from your current role and current employer is achievable. It does demand nimbleness and creativity to successfully navigate that path. This session lays out five scenarios to blooming your career without physically moving and/or changing roles. You will meet Laura, a skilled health administrator who has built a sideline in measuring quality through accreditation. Don, a leader in health care will be showcased providing meaningful work in academia as a sideline to his daily work. We will follow Jennifer as she helps shape the careers of others while acting to promote career opportunities in her own organization. You will also meet John who showcases his talent in paid speaking and training opportunities that act to augment his core career aspirations. Finally, you will meet Molly who researches, writes, and promotes her writing talents as a way to broaden her reach into the world.


Presenter: Margaret Sumption, Sumption & Wyland


Registration is free for SDAHO Members and $49 for Non-Members.

Click here to register.



November 2, 2023 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm(GMT-05:00)