AHA Launches Digital Resources Related to COVID-19 Vaccine

When the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in late 2019, hundreds of individuals and organizations around the world quickly mobilized to develop a vaccine for...

SDAHO PAC Back in Action

The SDAHO Political Action Committee (PAC) paused on kicking off the 2020 fundraising campaign in the spring due to Covid-19. With the general election...

SDAHO Welcomes Sarah Aker as the New Director of Fiscal Policy

On August 3rd, SDAHO welcomed our newest employee, Sarah Aker, who will be working from her home office in Pierre, serving as the Director...

LeadingAge Annual Meeting is Now Virtual

Save the dates of November 10-12 and November 17-19 for the LeadingAge 2020 Annual Meeting which will include educational programming, inspiring keynote presentations, networking opportunities,...

Summer SDAHO Trustee Newsletter

The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO), with sponsorship from the South Dakota Office of Rural Health, offers a variety of resources tailored...

SDAHO Member Hellos and Goodbyes

SDAHO bids farewell and our deepest gratitude to several CEOs who have had long, successful careers in healthcare. We wish them all the best...

AHA Digital Pulse tool

The American Hospital Association (AHA) has launched a valuable new benefit for all AHA members: the Digital Pulse. Developed in cooperation with the digital...

Mark Burket Chosen to Serve on National Coronavirus Commission

SDAHO member, Mark Burket, CEO of Platte Health Care Center has been chosen to serve on a 25-member independent commission under the leadership of...

Trustee Insights Edition Outlines COVID-19 Activities and Governance

The latest edition of Trustee Insights, the monthly digital package from the American Hospital Association (AHA), is now available. This month’s resources include articles focused on...

Trustee Newsletter – Spring Edition

The South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO), with sponsorship from the South Dakota Office of Rural Health, offers a variety of resources tailored...

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